You’re probably well aware that a solid marketing plan is a vital part of any successful business. You probably also know that you can’t rely on one type of marketing alone to meet your sales goals. But what marketing mix should you have, and why is it important?
Using a Diverse Marketing Mix
Too many new businesses are relying solely on social media and Google to market their business, and this can be a big mistake. You should be using a variety of marketing and advertising methods, both on- and offline.
Your marketing mix should usually include social media, website marketing, and Google, but you shouldn’t rely on internet advertising alone. You should also be incorporating traditional marketing efforts like radio ads, commercials, or direct mailers.
Marketing efforts should support one another.
Different mediums for advertising are effective for different marketing goals. Social media is most easily utilized for direct response efforts, such as signing up for a newsletter or going to the site to make a purchase or get a free trial. Google Adwords is best for getting targeted traffic to your site, which may not be for a specific action. Even your website content is part of your marketing mix.
These methods support each other in different ways. For example:
Use social media to get email signups, use emails to develop leads or direct to purchase, and use your print marketing materials and website content to establish yourself as an expert and encourage a sale.
You could use Google to drive traffic to your site. Your website content, digital catalogue, or blog sets you apart as an expert, and your blog or catalogue encourages the visitor to purchase or take other action.
As you can see, you can use any marketing mix that makes sense for your industry, products and services, and your business. If you need assistance determining the best marketing mix for your business, contact us today.