Tips That Can Make Your Law Firm’s Website Stand Out

Your website is the most powerful marketing tool for your law firm. But only if it is built in the right way. Law firm users have a myriad of websites to choose from, so why should they choose yours? The best websites are designed keeping in mind not only great aesthetics but also a great user experience. Today in this blog, we have compiled some of the best practices for law firms’ website design which can help you in some way.

Website design tips for law firms

Keep everything simple

The appearance of your website is definitely important, but the reality is that legal clients don’t select the attorney based on website appearance. Unnecessary elements on the website can overwhelm the users. It can also distract them from taking the action. So from the user perspective, keeping it simple is the best. Make sure to adhere to a maximum of five colors for your website design to keep the appearance simple.

Use navigations wisely

Your website should have navigations that can help visitors to find out what they are looking for. They don’t have to explore much to figure out what to do next. Keep the navigation simple which allows the users to move from one point to another easily. Apart from that, the site navigator at the footer of the website pages can make a huge difference. Breadcrumbs play a major role to make the website navigation much more user-friendly. Also, you can include a search bar on the top of the site to help users find items.

Ensure consistency

Consistency plays a major role to keep the users engaged with the website. It means the overall look and feel of the website should look similar. Color palettes, graphics, tone, and fonts should follow the brand standards. However, it doesn’t mean that every page should have the same layout. Use a different layout for the different types of pages but keep everything look connected to each other.

Responsive website

Do you know that 48% of the global website views are on mobile devices? So when half of all the website traffic is from smartphones, it is crucial to consider responsive design seriously. Visitors are more likely to leave a page if it is not working on the smartphones properly.

Consider a visual hierarchy

The website content should be arranged and organized properly. It helps the users to know the most important information first. As a website owner, your goal should be to lead the visitors to take your desired action that seems organic and the appropriately placed content helps in that.


When designing the law firm’s website, the designers should keep in mind that users can be anyone, including the people with disability that affect can their browsing.

Stick to conventional designs

Many of us are using the internet for so long. It means we are accustomed to certain things on any website.  For instance, having the main navigation on the top of the page and placing the logo at the top left corner of the page. Make sure to pay attention to the small details like making the logo clickable.


Hopefully, these practices have helped you to make the overall design of your website stand out. For more information and guidance, opt for the best law firm advertising services in Tampa.