PPC Strategies to Help You Get More Legal Clients

Marketing Strategy

Pay-per-click (PPC) is one of the speediest ways that can help law firms to generate high-quality leads. Unlike SEO i.e. search engine optimization; you can use PPC to start gaining clients almost instantly. It allows you to appear on sites and for keywords that you are targeting. Being a part of the legal industry, one of the most highly competitive industries, you must take time to carefully plan and execute your PPC campaign.

If you are a first-time advertiser, you may feel daunted when you plunge into the world of keyword targeting as well as bidding. You can opt for law firm marketing services in Florida to get the assistance of industry experts. Apart from that, we have listed down some of the best PPC marketing strategies to help to gain more legal clients so make sure to read till the end.

Know what your client will be searching for

Solving legal matters need specialization. However, not all your potential clients will know that they need a lawyer in the first place. They may be trying to solve the issues all by themselves. So we need to guess their search intent, narrow down our ad and target those users who are either ready to hire or can be drawn to such a decision.

Target keywords depending on your field of practice and they should always be related to the kind of cases your firm usually handles.

Use strong CTA

Call to action or CTA is your sales pitch. It includes emotional trigger words. For instance, ‘call on our number to get the settlement that you deserve’ so the word ‘deserve’ is placed here to make the clients think again. Creating a perfect ad is such an art, making the most of a marketing pitch, that you might need to hire an ad writer just for this part. You can also browse other ads to get some inspiration.

Make it easy for them to opt for you

You have to view things from the perspective of clients. What are the potential barriers or concerns they may have while working with you? What if they require testifying in court? What if the court case drags for years? They may have certain concerns while thinking to hire you. So set up a landing page, having all the required information, to receive clicks from the ad. Make clients feel that they have come to the right place. Whatever your action step is, make it simple to find and complete.

Optimize for mobile

We are living in a time where more than 50% of the web traffic comes from mobiles. Indeed, this percentage will climb higher in the future. Google has moved to boost mobile-friendly websites and its PR has pointed out that it doesn’t personalize the websites that aren’t mobile-friendly.  So both your PPC campaign and landing page need to think about the mobiles. Google also provides tools to check the mobile optimization of a website so you can utilize them as well.

We hope that the above PPC strategies have helped you to boost your campaign and gain clients. If you want to know more, feel free to connect with the law firm marketing experts now.